Wednesday, January 26, 2005

COMEDY : Tsunami Benefit

Jo and I went along to this hastily organised benefit for orphan survivors of the Tsunami in Sri Lanka (via a buddhist group, why am I so opposed to christians?)
The first half was excellent with
  • an amazingly talented presenter,
  • a lewd, but very funny second guy (Jo didn't like him - very boy humour :)
  • a very funny, and sensitive, woman (very short as well!), and
  • an A Capella group called the Magnets, who Jo really liked and I thought were OK
The second half compares favorably with the first. The presenter took a while to warm to, but I ended up liking him a lot; not as funny as the first half's presenter but a nice on stage personality. Again there was an excellent woman (Australian - my what an accent!) who cracked Jo and I up after a faltering start, and a really funny guy to cap it all off who had tears running down my cheeks as he related the Crazy Clarks style ads from Oz to the rest of the audience. (It seems the funniest stuff was all Australia based, coincidence?)
There was an interesting incident in the second half. A canadian comic came out (I think he may have been an honorary american), made a very poor taste joke about the tsunami and, having not received the warm laughter and applause of other performs, proceeded to heckle the crowd. He did play a song, but then totally lost it when people asked for other songs and admitted that that's all they wanted from him. He then made some semi-lucid and quite offensive insults about how some of the audience had eaten a big dinner to 'save the orphans', and that we are all celebrating the tsunami by having a good laugh. This cut a bit close to the bone and was when the compare decided (or was pushed) that the guy wasn't just being radical, and came on to get the Canadian off. This took about 5 minutes, but the compare did a very good, non-violent, passive removal and got the audience relaxed and in the mood again very quickly.


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