Friday, May 20, 2005

OPERA : 1984

I don't know if I would have liked this opera as much if I didn't love 1984, but there you go.
Having almost arrived late, the curtain raised on an amazing set (These big productions just have such stupidly huge sets - and so many people in the chorus) and a wall or block of people shouting (as much as you can in Opera) at the hate-flicks. And you know, yelling at a TV at the top of your lungs just doesn't sound like a bunch of people singing, no matter how 20th century the music is. But when they end up singing the national anthem of Oceania that's when it comes to the fore.
I think that is a fair summary of the whole opera. The first two acts were pretty by the by; they were alright, but not something that I was that blown away by. The third act (in which Wilston is tortured) was great. The power and tragedy of the breaking of Wilston is torturous to watch, and I found quite effective.
The orchestration was a little mundane. While there were a bunch of cliches in there, some of the nice ones were left out (like themes for characters, how blasé, _but_it_works_!). Most of the music was 20th century, reflecting the abrasive, emaciated 1984 world. Every now and then we had a bit of melodic Prole nursey rhyme, which made me want more melody - especially in the duet. And just to tease us more, the torturer in the third act has a little bit of melodic work which is similar to the Prole stuff, only twisted and manic. It was a nice change, but I don't see why it couldn't be used a little more.
Standing there in the auditorium at interval I was wondering if it was all worth it. Clapping the performers at the end and I had not doubt.


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