MOVIES : Women's Love
This is Khaled's (my uncle) number one hit movie in Egypt. It stars one of their biggest female actors and was a success throughout the arabic world.
It's basically about three sisters who all have different mothers, who are brought together by the death of their father to stay in one house for a year so they can keep their share of his wealth. The sisters hate each other at first, but then grow to appreciate their differences and the film transforms, slowly, into a story about them each trying to find love (in a boy :)
I laughed often, and really enjoyed myself. Khaled, in a speach afterwards, said that he wanted to make an arabic film that wasn't about the 'arabic problem', but instead about human problems: we are all human after all. Well he succeeded, I was enticed into this world of arabic love and was only occasionally surprised by a cultural difference that I wasn't expecting.
I thought the beginning credits of the film were an excellent way to begin - we have a little joke followed by a long journey through Cairo. This introduces us to the modern Egyptian Cairo, placing the story in a real place that isn't so different from the world I live in; already we are thinking about the characters as people who could be our neighbours.
Of course I am saying all this from the perspective of a Westerner, the main audience was arabic so I can't speak for them, but I did feel that the movie did an excellent job of saying 'here, have some fun, we are going to tell you an entertaining story about some _people_ and the loves of their lives'.