First four tables up and running!
took me a while because my tables are not at all named the way Ruby On Rails wants them to be. So I had to find out a little more about the inside of the DB classes before I could get them going - the scaffolding and controllers was all easy though.
And I also had 45 minutes of lunch :) so that would really only be 1:45 hours, and the rest of the tables should be a lot quicker.
Of course I haven't put in any business logic yet, and I am going climbing all day tomorrow and thanksgiving tonight, so I don't know how much more I'm going to manage, but I am happy I've gotten this far. Will try fro some more tomorrow night, continue through the week.
Only complaint at the moment is how bloody slow it is, of course this will be fixed by FastCGI and a faster computer (this is less than a Gig I'm pretty sure), but at the moment it's quite painful...